Libby and kindle
Libby and kindle

I am reading more books because Libby has taken away the cost constraint that otherwise might have prevented me from pulling the trigger. If you’re like me, you’ll be amazed at this incredible reading resource available to everyone for free. These are the same books you find on a paid service like. Libby also provides access to full-length, unabridged, professionally-narrated audiobooks which you can play right from the app. You don’t have to worry about saving or exporting before returning the book. Any highlights or notes from your borrowed book persist even after the loan period ends. You’ll be taken to an Amazon page to pick your Kindle device, and voila!, the book is now on your Kindle. Once you’ve checked out a book, look for the button to open on Kindle. While you can read books in the Libby app on your phone or tablet, most books are available on Kindle, which I find a much more comfortable reading experience. The free app is highly rated on the Apple App Store Once you download the app and add your library, you’re free to search and download available books on the spot.

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Libby’s collection totals nearly five million books at my local library here near Seattle, though your mileage may vary depending on your own library’s investment in digital books.

libby and kindle

The app comes from Overdrive, the leading electronic book distributor used by libraries worldwide. Libby is an app available for iOS and Android that allows you to download ebooks and audiobooks for free with your local library card.

libby and kindle

Tip #3: Use Libby with your local library. In this read-more-books series, I’ll share the tips and tricks I use to read at least 50 books a year without feeling like I’m reading that much at all. Reading books is one of life’s great rewards, but in today’s increasingly distractible environment, it can be challenging to find time for books.

Libby and kindle